Concrete pavement with a green plant growing out of a large crack.

Traditional Marketing - Part two: Integration with determination

September 17, 2021 / Kate Pattison

In Part One of this series, we looked at traditional marketing activities. There are good reasons to keep some traditional marketing in play in a modern world. But what’s important is to find the right balance of traditional and digital activities in your marketing plan.

Remind me, what’s great about each of them?

Traditional marketing - Studies show traditional forms of marketing are easier for consumers to recall and process. Watch for all the ads the next time you are scrolling through the online world. It’s a crowded space and it can be challenging to make an impression.

Digital marketing - Can offer a higher level of direct interaction and engagement. Especially with social media, where there can be real-time and two-way communications. Digital can also be less expensive, but you need to watch for hidden costs.

The best of both worlds

Balancing your marketing activities means finding the right mix of traditional and digital marketing in your plan that work together. Integration will give you higher visibility, recognition, and engagement. Aligning your marketing efforts will result in increased sales and stronger customer relationships.

Benefits of an integrated marketing approach

Gain - As mentioned in our recent Digital Marketing article, most people now do their research online before reaching out to businesses. By ensuring all your traditional marketing includes your digital information (website, social sites, and email) you increase opportunities for new business. Your traditional marketing activities should support and be in sync with your digital ones.

Retain - Consistent messaging and branding across all channels will reinforce recognition and engagement. Ensure all of your tactics speak from the same brand voice, no matter where you are marketing.

Start with the plan

The first step to determine the best marketing to meet your objectives is creating a plan. It doesn’t have to be a complicated document, but it should contain a few key elements.

  1. Set out your budget and desired business objectives. Make sure these are both realistic and attainable.
  2. Review last year’s activities: what worked and what didn’t. That golf tournament you sponsored was lots of fun, but did it provide results? Did those Google ads drive new leads? Maintain the marketing activities that worked and align with your new plan.
  3. What new opportunities are available? It’s a great idea to try new marketing avenues. Just be careful they stay within budget and they support your business objectives. You might want to set aside a portion of your marketing spend just for new or innovative activities.
  4. Create a marketing calendar. This gives you a big-picture view of your activities and helps you see if your mix is balanced.

A marketing plan is a living document. That just means it isn’t done when you’ve written it. You should go back to the original plan on a regular basis and review it. Make notes of what worked, what you did differently, or any new opportunities you decided to pursue.

Once you’ve balanced your traditional and digital marketing, you have the best of both worlds.

Related articles:

Business goals and marketing go hand-in-hand - Part one

Business goals and marketing go hand-in-hand - Part two

Marketing: where you start makes all the difference


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