The Right Product at the Right Time
The following are additional products available to meet the needs of your customers as things change through life’s journey.
Advice for Your customer
When your customers need more.
In a previous article we covered off the 4 basic insurance products that fit the general needs of most. The following are additional products available to meet the needs of your customers as things change through life’s journey. Not as common but certainly just as important to ensure comfort and peace of mind. You can share this on your website or social media channels.
Most are familiar with the 4 insurance products most common and top of mind but did you know that as you acquire more wealth, move to a bigger house or begin to build a wine or shoe collection the need to update your insurance coverage may be required. This is the time to review your current insurance portfolio with your Broker and feel confident you have what you need in the event of a loss.
The following are a few questions to ask yourself and depending on your answers become the notes needed to start the conversation with your Broker.
Do you have pets? Pets are prone to accidents, just like humans and uninsured vet visits can be costly. Some of the most costly incidents involve a pet ingesting something they shouldn’t.
Have I upgraded my “stuff”? As the value of your home, vehicles and assets rise so does the need for specialized coverage for valuable collections and more.
Have my home features changed? With each renovation including installing a pool or a home office, it’s a good time to let your Broker know.
Do you own other property? Whether you have a rental property or a season home, both require specialized insurance coverage that will take care of what matters to you.
Have any toys? You’ve earned your lifestyle now protect the things you’ve worked so hard to attain. Often these need separate policies.
Have any collections? There are two major forms of additional coverage for valuables. One is to insure items individually while the other is to buy broader blanket coverage for each category of valuables.
Do you serve on a Board? Volunteering to sit on a board of directors for an organization is not as simple and straightforward as it used to be. It has evolved into a position that potentially could threaten an individual’s livelihood and personal fortune.
Do you Travel? Whether across provinces or continents, Travel insurance is a must for your possessions, your luggage or your health. Don’t leave home without it.
Insurance is not a once and done transaction. You need review your insurance coverage each renewal and if anything has changed sit down with your Broker to discuss any gaps or answer any questions you may have.
Feel confident in the event of a loss you have what you need to get you back to where you were.