Building Your Brand and the Business of Marketing
If you’re like many businesses, you are likely going through the process of reviewing your business strategy for 2020, including what marketing tactics and plans you may want to implement for your brokerage. Where to invest your marketing dollars? How to improve your search engine ranking? Radio vs. TV vs. social advertising? There are so many considerations, and it’s certainly overwhelming.
But there is one, fundamental strategy that you should be focusing on - building your brand. This work should be at the core of your marketing planning, as it represents what you offer to customers who, in turn, are the ones that drive your businesses’ success.
Once you have built a strong brand, the rest of your marketing strategy should just fall into place. By having your story, including visual elements and voice, already established, getting the message out to the consumer is much more easily executed.
CAA is one of Canada’s most trusted brands. So, it goes without saying we have a few branding experts in our midst. Brent Closs, AVP Marketing for the CAA Club Group just happens to be a Branding Guru. He was recently featured in Canadian Underwriter magazine, where he spoke about the importance of Building your Brand, and the business of marketing that can benefit Brokers.
Click here to read the article and learn more.
Still have questions about how to elevate your brand, or general marketing-related inquiries? We’re here to help! Drop your Business Development Manager a line anytime, and one of our Marketing Experts will be in touch.